Sunday 17 April 2011

yes, i've carried on with the home serial, as i'm calling it. This one is based on a memory of a space, of my father's uncle and aunt's. We called them auntie evelyn and uncle reg when they were alive. In the hallway it was rather dark, and this big grandfather clock greeted you. Now the house is owned by my aunt, my dads sister, and there was a bit of suspicion about who it was left to. So, i haven't been there in around 10 years, but the memorys insist. I have another one for the room at the end on the right, as a child i remember a white wedding dress being hung up in the bedroom there, it was a scary house, and a creepy scene. It will do for the next painting. But that's it, i'm not quite sure whether this series is about more generalised spaces that i remember, or particular events, i've been mixing them up as they both seem to work quite well, though in slightly different styles.

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